Sunday, September 26, 2010

So It Begins...

So, I've been talking for quite some time about starting my own blog, radio show, TV show, speaking tour, or pretty much any venue to spread positive words and encouragement and advice (or whatever else is on my mind ;). I think about things that I want to say everyday, playing scripts over and over in my mind. Things that I know others are thinking, but just not saying. Questions I know other people want to ask about the world we live in, but don't know how. Issues that don't get enough attention that could use publicity. I wish I would have started a list of topics!

Before delving into life's challenges and the power of positive-ness, a little background on why you may have made it to paragraph two...

I was fortunate to grow up in a supportive family. My little sister and I were told we could do anything, be anything, create anything, and fix anything that our wild imaginations desired in life. We were on the front end of the "Y" generation where grandiose dreams and chasing life's desires were encouraged. No dream was too much. No dream was criticized. Everything was possible.

As a child, those words of support and encouragement sometimes seemed just that...words. The words didn't seem to do things, be things, create things, or fix things on their own. But you know how when something is said often enough, it just sticks? Over time, they just stuck. My family knew the power of words and support long before I came along.

After some life changing events (I'll get to those in time), I found my DREAM job in the field of teaching. From the moment I entered my own classroom, I realized the power of the spoken word, the effect one person can have on the lives of others, and the means to CHANGE THE WORLD.

Fast forward a bit to about May 2008. I was shopping with a group of ladies in a cute outdoor mall. I found this quirky store with tons of random office supplies, pranks, silly notepads, odd kitchen supplies, and just about everything my nerd mind could imagine. It was fabulous! As I was perusing the greeting card section (who doesn’t like to read short thoughts recorded on paper with an accompanying cartoon), I found one card that stood out. It said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi."

Those words latched on to my brain like the most positive parasite imaginable, and I haven’t stopped thinking about them since that moment. In fact, I had the saying printed on one of those fancy schmancy custom made stickers and plastered it across the front of my desk. I also really want it emblazoned forever in tattoo form. Crazy? Maybe. Not as crazy as one of my ideas to teach beyond my living years (I’ll explain that another time). But what a powerful statement. How often are we quick to criticize or complain? How often do we actually do something to change those things that aren’t working? Instead of complaining and not doing anything, BE that change. BE nice. BE kind. BE considerate. BE respectful. BE resourceful. BE assertive. BE encouraging. BE the one stands up first. BE a role model. BE a good example. BE a productive citizen. BE a voter. BE a recycler. BE concerned. BE informed. Just BE whatever it is you wish to change. One may face obstacles and opponents, but that’s what comes with any amount of change.

So, that brings me to today. I’ve been talking about writing for quite some time. Will people read my crazy views on life? Not sure. Will I at least be doing something to change the world? Most definitely. J

Stay tuned…

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