Thursday, October 21, 2010


Someone (ok…a couple people) once told me I like drama. Of course, on the defensive, I was puzzled at how I could come across as such. My love of movies can’t be that obvious, and clearly I do not engage in drama…like real life drama. As my life, thoughts, and words flashed before me in an effort to find the answer to why I could be associated with a love for drama, I realized something.

Choices. I realized that I believe in the power of choices. Positive or negative, it doesn’t matter, but choices. Human beings are God’s (or whatever your personal belief is) greatest creation. Equipped with the power to choose our destination no matter what our circumstances. Choices. Our life journey’s will no doubt be different; some with a really bumpy path and some with a seemingly pleasant ride. Either way, we have the power to choose where our lives could take us. We'll never know the reality behind the choices others make, but we can make the best choices for ourselves. (a good topic for another we judge others!)

Words. I realized that I believe in the power of words. If no one ever tells you, how will you know? How will you get affirmation that you are creative, considerate, worthy, lovely, loved, intelligent, beautiful, strong, and capable if no one ever tells you? On the flip side, what if no one ever tells you about the booger in your nose or the toilet paper on your shoe or the choice that could have consequences you may not be ready for?

Respect. I’ve always believed in respect, but I realized how life-changing respect can be. Respect is one gift everyone should give and receive at all times. It has the power build a person from the inside and project its contagious self outward in an effort to “pay it forward.”

Choices, words, and respect. Three things that bring frustration, sadness, surprise, happiness, excitement, doubt, questions, relief, regret, guilt, enthusiasm, encouragement, and every other emotion to our lives. Three things that have the power to boost us up the steepest mountain or drag us down a rocky cliff.

So, in short, I’m not dramatic (minus the dragging down a cliff’s side). I just believe that choices and words and respect can make a difference in the world.

For instance

What if (and my dad always said we don’t live on “what ifs”, but it applies here)…What if one didn’t know there was another choice or know the abilities and capabilities that lie within them or know how to give and earn respect?

On the other hand

WHAT IF all it took was a few words…a few words of encouragement, guidance, research, statistics, moral compassing, or questioning to make one examine the choices that lie ahead. WHAT IF all it took was someone to say, “You can”, “You will”, “You’re amazing”? WHAT IF all it took was living and breathing and believing that choices and words and respect really could change the world one person at a time?

So, again, I’m not dramatic. I don’t look for drama, and it doesn’t find me. Rather, I’m willing to take a metaphorical punch if it means someone else will benefit. If it means someone else will go through life thinking about the choices they make before they act instead of as an afterthought, I can handle being called dramatic. If it means butting my nose in to offer words of encouragement (or discouragement…sometimes it’s warranted), I can handle being called dramatic. If it means getting all the details before I make a life-changing choice or giving details before someone else does, I can handle being called dramatic.

So, maybe people say I’m dramatic. I’m O.K. with that.